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The impact of low-mode symmetry on inertial fusion energy output in the burning plasma state.

J E RalphJames S RossA B ZylstraAndrea L KritcherH F RobeyC V YoungO A HurricaneA PakD A CallahanK L BakerD T CaseyTilo DöppnerL DivolM HohenbergerS Le PapeP K PatelR TommasiniS J AliP A AmendtL J AthertonBenjamin BachmannD BaileyL R BenedettiL Berzak HopkinsR BettiS D BhandarkarJuergen BienerR M BiontaN W BirgeE J BondD K BradleyT BraunT M BriggsM W BruhnP M CelliersB ChangT ChapmanH ChenC ChoateA R ChristophersonD S ClarkJ W CrippenE L DewaldT R DittrichM J EdwardsW A FarmerJ E FieldDavid N FittinghoffJ FrenjeJim A GaffneyM Gatu JohnsonSiegfried H GlenzerG P GrimS HaanK D HahnG N HallB A HammelJ HarteE P HartouniJ E HeebnerV J HernandezH W HerrmannM C HerrmannD E HinkelD D HoJ P HolderW W HsingH HuangK D HumbirdN IzumiL C JarrottJ JeetO JonesG D KerbelS M KerrS F KhanJ KilkennyY KimH Geppert-KleinrathVerena Geppert-KleinrathC KongJ M KoningJ J KrollM K G KruseBogdan KustowskiO L LandenS LangerD LarsonN C LemosJ D LindlT MaMichael J MacDonaldB J MacGowanA J MackinnonS A MacLarenA G MacPheeM M MarinakD A MariscalE V MarleyL MasseK D MeaneyNathan B MeezanP A MichelMarius MillotJ L MilovichJ D MoodyA S MooreJ W MortonT J MurphyK NewmanJ-M G Di NicolaA NikrooR C NoraM V PatelL J PelzJ L PetersonY PingB B PollockM RatledgeN G RiceHans G RinderknechtM RosenM S RuberyJ D SalmonsonJ SaterS SchiaffinoD J SchlossbergM B SchneiderC R SchroederH A ScottS M SepkeK SequoiaM W SherlockS ShinV A SmalyukBrian SpearsP T SpringerM StadermannS StoupinD J StrozziL J SuterC A ThomasR P J TownC TrosseilleE R TubmanP L VolegovC R WeberK WidmannC WildC H WildeB M Van WonterghemD T WoodsB N WoodworthM YamaguchiS T YangG B Zimmerman
Published in: Nature communications (2024)
Indirect Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion Experiments on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) have achieved a burning plasma state with neutron yields exceeding 170 kJ, roughly 3 times the prior record and a necessary stage for igniting plasmas. The results are achieved despite multiple sources of degradations that lead to high variability in performance. Results shown here, for the first time, include an empirical correction factor for mode-2 asymmetry in the burning plasma regime in addition to previously determined corrections for radiative mix and mode-1. Analysis shows that including these three corrections alone accounts for the measured fusion performance variability in the two highest performing experimental campaigns on the NIF to within error. Here we quantify the performance sensitivity to mode-2 symmetry in the burning plasma regime and apply the results, in the form of an empirical correction to a 1D performance model. Furthermore, we find the sensitivity to mode-2 determined through a series of integrated 2D radiation hydrodynamic simulations to be consistent with the experimentally determined sensitivity only when including alpha-heating.
  • radiation therapy
  • drinking water