Quasi-Static Resonances in the Visible Spectrum from All-Dielectric Intermediate Band Semiconductor Nanocrystals.

Roberto GaspariGiuseppe Della ValleSandeep GhoshIlka KriegelFrancesco ScotognellaAndrea CavalliLiberato Manna
Published in: Nano letters (2017)
The quest for materials with metal-like properties as alternatives to noble metals is an intense area of research that is set to lead to dramatic improvements in technologies based on plasmonics. Here, we present intermediate band (IB) semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) as a class of all-dielectric nanomaterials providing quasi-static optical resonances. We show that IB NCs can display a negative permittivity in a broad range of visible wavelengths, enabling a metal-like optical response despite the absence of free carriers in the NC ground state. Using a combination of spectroscopy measurements and ab initio calculations, we hereby provide a theoretical model for both the linear and nonlinear optical properties of chalcopyrite CuFeS2 NCs, as a case study of IB semiconductor nanomaterials. Our results rationalize the high performance of IB nanomaterials as photothermal agents and suggest the use of IB semiconductors as alternatives to noble metals for technologies based on plasmonic materials.