Activation of the sympatho-β-adrenergic receptor (βAR) system is the hallmark of heart disease with adverse consequences that facilitate the onset and progression of heart failure (HF). Use of β-blocking drugs has become the front-line therapy for HF. Last decade has witnessed progress in research demonstrating a pivotal role of Hippo pathway in cardiomyopathy and HF. Clinical studies have revealed myocardial Hippo pathway activation/YAP-TEAD1 inactivation in several types of human cardiomyopathy. Experimental activation of cardiac Hippo signaling or inhibition of YAP-TEAD1 have been shown to leads dilated cardiomyopathy with severe mitochondrial dysfunction and metabolic reprogramming. Studies have also convincingly shown that stimulation of βAR activates cardiac Hippo pathway with inactivation of the down-stream effector molecules YAP/TAZ. There is strong evidence for the adverse consequences of the βAR-Hippo signaling leading to HF. In addition to promoting cardiomyocyte death and fibrosis, recent progress is the demonstration of mitochondrial dysfunction and metabolic reprogramming mediated by βAR-Hippo pathway signaling. Activation of cardiac βAR-Hippo signaling is potent in downregulating a range of mitochondrial and metabolic genes, whereas expression of pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic factors are upregulated. Coupling of βAR-Hippo pathway signaling is mediated by several kinases, mechanotransduction and/or Ca 2+ signaling, and can be blocked by β-antagonists. Demonstration of the converge of βAR signaling and Hippo pathway bears implications for a better understanding on the role of enhanced sympathetic nervous activity, efficacy of β-antagonists, and metabolic therapy targeting this pathway in HF. In this review we summarize the progress and discuss future research directions in this field.