Modified big bubble technique for deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty in keratoconus.
Mehrdad MohammadpourMasoud Khorrami-NejadTaghi NaghdiPublished in: European journal of ophthalmology (2022)
We describe a modified technique for deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty with three modifications in big bubble pneumodissection technique; including two staged stromal trephination to avoid inadvertent full-thickness trephination, deep bevel-up needle air injection for better visualization and deeper air injection and, vicoseperation by refilling the pre-Descemet space with a viscoelastic after removing the air bubble for safe removal of the deep stromal layers. Patients with advanced keratoconus underwent deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty with pneumodissection by two-staged trephination followed by bevel-up needle deep air injection and viscoseperation. The big bubble was successfully formed in all cases and there was no case with the rupture of the Descemet's membrane (DM) during air injection or baring of DM.