Mapping density, diversity and species-richness of the Amazon tree flora.
Hans Ter SteegeNigel C A PitmanIêda Leão do AmaralLuiz de Souza CoelhoFrancisca Dionízia de Almeida MatosDiógenes de Andrade Lima FilhoRafael P SalomãoFlorian WittmannCarolina V CastilhoJuan Ernesto GuevaraMarcelo de Jesus Veiga CarimOliver L PhillipsWilliam E MagnussonDaniel SabatierJuan David Cardenas RevillaJean-François MolinoMariana Victória IrumeMaria Pires MartinsJosé Renan da Silva GuimarãesJosé Ferreira RamosOlaf S BánkiMaria Teresa Fernandez PiedadeDairon Cárdenas LópezDomingos de Jesus RodriguesLayon O DemarchiJochen SchöngartEverton José AlmeidaLuciane Ferreira BarbosaLarissa CavalheiroMárcia Cléia Vilela Dos SantosBruno Garcia LuizeEvlyn Márcia Moraes de Leão NovoPercy Núñez VargasThiago Sanna Freire SilvaEduardo Martins VenticinqueAngelo Gilberto ManzattoNeidiane Farias Costa ReisJohn TerborghKatia Regina CasulaEuridice N Honorio CoronadoAbel Monteagudo MendozaJuan Carlos MonteroFlávia R C CostaTed R FeldpauschAdriano Costa QuaresmaNicolás Castaño ArboledaCharles Eugene ZartmanTimothy J KilleenBeatriz S MarimonBen Hur Marimon-JuniorRodolfo VasquezBonifacio MostacedoRafael L AssisChris BaralotoDário Dantas do AmaralJulien EngelPascal PetronelliHernán CastellanosMarcelo Brilhante de MedeirosMarcelo Fragomeni SimonAna AndradeJosé Luís CamargoWilliam F LauranceSusan G W LauranceLorena Maniguaje RincónJuliana SchiettiThaiane R SousaEmanuelle de Sousa FariasMaria Aparecida LopesJosé Leonardo Lima MagalhãesHenrique Eduardo Mendonça NascimentoHelder Lima de QueirozGerardo A Aymard CRoel BrienenPablo R StevensonAlejandro Araujo-MurakamiTim R BakerBruno Barçante Ladvocat CintraYuri Oliveira FeitosaHugo F MogollónJoost F DuivenvoordenCarlos A PeresMiles R SilmanLeandro Valle FerreiraJosé Rafael LozadaJames A ComiskeyFreddie C DraperJosé Julio de ToledoGabriel DamascoRoosevelt García-VillacortaAline LopesAlberto VicentiniFernando Cornejo ValverdeAlfonso AlonsoLuzmila ArroyoFrancisco DallmeierVitor H F GomesEliana M JimenezDavid NeillMaria Cristina Peñuela MoraJanaína Costa NoronhaDaniel P P de AguiarFlávia Rodrigues BarbosaYennie K BredinRainiellen de Sá CarpanedoFernanda Antunes CarvalhoFernanda Coelho de SouzaKenneth J FeeleyRogerio GribelTorbjørn HaugaasenJoseph E HawesMarcelo Petratti PansonatoMarcos Ríos ParedesJos BarlowErika BerenguerIzaias Brasil da SilvaMaria Julia FerreiraJoice FerreiraPaul V A FineMarcelino Carneiro GuedesCarolina LevisJuan Carlos LiconaBoris Eduardo Villa ZegarraVincent Antoine VosCarlos CerónFlávia Machado DurganteÉmile FontyTerry W HenkelJohn Ethan HouseholderIsau Huamantupa-ChuquimacoEdwin PosMarcos SilveiraJuliana StroppRaquel ThomasDoug DalyKyle G DexterWilliam MillikenGuido Pardo MolinaToby PenningtonIma Célia Guimarães VieiraBianca Weiss AlbuquerqueWegliane CampeloAlfredo FuentesBente KlitgaardJosé Luis Marcelo PenaJ Sebastián TelloCorine VriesendorpJerome ChaveAnthony Di FioreRenato Richard HilárioLuciana de Oliveira PereiraJuan Fernando PhillipsGonzalo Rivas-TorresTinde R van AndelPatricio von HildebrandWilliam BaleeEdelcilio Marques BarbosaLuiz Carlos de Matos BonatesHilda Paulette Dávila DozaRicardo Zárate GómezTherany GonzalesGeorge Pepe Gallardo GonzalesBruce HoffmanAndré Braga JunqueiraYadvinder MalhiIres Paula de Andrade MirandaLinder Felipe Mozombite PintoAdriana PrietoAgustín RudasAdemir R RuschelNatalino SilvaCésar I A VelaEgleé L ZentStanford ZentAngela CanoYrma Andreina Carrero MárquezDiego F CorreaJanaina Barbosa Pedrosa CostaBernardo Monteiro FloresDavid GalbraithMilena HolmgrenMichelle KalamandeenGuilherme LoboLuis Torres MontenegroMarcelo Trindade NascimentoAlexandre A OliveiraMaihyra Marina PomboHirma Ramirez-AnguloMaira RochaVeridiana Vizoni ScudellerRodrigo SierraMilton TiradoMaria Natalia UmañaGeertje van der HeijdenEmilio Vilanova TorreManuel Augusto Ahuite ReateguiCláudia BaiderHenrik BalslevSasha CárdenasLuisa Fernanda CasasMaría José EndaraWilliam Farfan-RiosCid FerreiraReynaldo Linares-PalominoCasimiro MendozaItalo MesonesGermaine Alexander ParadaArmando Torres-LezamaLigia Estela Urrego GiraldoDaniel VillarroelRoderick ZagtMiguel N AlexiadesEdmar Almeida de OliveiraKarina Garcia-CabreraLionel HernandezWalter Palacios CuencaSusamar PansiniDaniela PaulettoFreddy Ramirez ArevaloAdeilza Felipe SampaioElvis H Valderrama SandovalLuis Valenzuela GamarraAurora LevesleyGeorgia PickavanceKarina MelgaçoPublished in: Communications biology (2023)
Using 2.046 botanically-inventoried tree plots across the largest tropical forest on Earth, we mapped tree species-diversity and tree species-richness at 0.1-degree resolution, and investigated drivers for diversity and richness. Using only location, stratified by forest type, as predictor, our spatial model, to the best of our knowledge, provides the most accurate map of tree diversity in Amazonia to date, explaining approximately 70% of the tree diversity and species-richness. Large soil-forest combinations determine a significant percentage of the variation in tree species-richness and tree alpha-diversity in Amazonian forest-plots. We suggest that the size and fragmentation of these systems drive their large-scale diversity patterns and hence local diversity. A model not using location but cumulative water deficit, tree density, and temperature seasonality explains 47% of the tree species-richness in the terra-firme forest in Amazonia. Over large areas across Amazonia, residuals of this relationship are small and poorly spatially structured, suggesting that much of the residual variation may be local. The Guyana Shield area has consistently negative residuals, showing that this area has lower tree species-richness than expected by our models. We provide extensive plot meta-data, including tree density, tree alpha-diversity and tree species-richness results and gridded maps at 0.1-degree resolution.