Microplastics pose a serious ecological threat to rivers in China, and the construction of a large number of dams has complicated this problem. Ten dams of the Shaying River were chosen to investigate the abundance and composition of microplastics in surface water and sediments of the reservoir and upstream river. Ecological risk was evaluated using species sensitive distribution (SSD) and pollution load index (PLI). The results showed that the Shaying River was exposed to a severe risk of microplastics from upstream to downstream. The construction of dams did not significantly affect the distribution of microplastics in the river. River sediments became a sink for microplastics in the surface water; however, the ecological risk posed by microplastics in the surface water was greater, and the comparison of the two assessment methods showed that the species sensitivity distribution assessment better reflected the accumulation and feeding behavior of organisms to pollutants compared to the pollution load index.