Testing standard basis sets for direct ionizations: H + + H at E Lab = 0.1-100 keV.
Hyunsik KimJorge A MoralesPublished in: Journal of computational chemistry (2023)
With the simplest-level electron nuclear dynamics (SLEND) method, we test standard Slater-type-orbital/contracted-Gaussian-functions (STO/CGFs) basis sets for the simulation of direct ionizations (DIs), charge transfers (CTs), and target excitations (TEs) in H + + H at E Lab = 0.1-100 keV. SLEND is a time-dependent, variational, on-the-fly, and nonadiabatic method that treats nuclei and electrons with classical dynamics and a Thouless single-determinantal state, respectively. While previous tests for CTs and TEs exist, this is the first SLEND/STO/CGFs test for challenging DIs. Spin-orbitals with negative/positive energies are treated as bound/unbound states for bound-to-bound (CT and TE) and bound-to-unbound (DI) transitions. SLEND/STO/CGFs simulations correctly reproduce all the features of DIs, CTs and TEs over all the considered impact parameters and energies. SLEND/STO/CGFs simulations correctly predict CT integrals cross-sections (ICSs) over all the considered energies and predict satisfactory DI and TE ICSs within some energy ranges. Strategies to improve SLEND/STO/CGFs for DI predictions are discussed.