Effect of incomplete sampling description in DNA reports on bloodstain pattern analysis and reconstruction of a crime scene.
Ivan StojanovićJovan StojanovićDejan ŠorgićAnita ČipevPublished in: Medicine, science, and the law (2020)
DNA analysts in forensic laboratories are engaged in analysing and sampling bloodstains from bloodstained items. Detailed and precise descriptions of bloodstains on items of interest are very important for bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA). DNA and BPA reports were examined from forensic laboratories in Serbia (N = 88). About 400 reports were observed from the past three years. First, we analysed descriptions of items (clothing and shoes) in DNA reports, and special attention was paid to descriptions of bloodstains. Subsequently, we estimated the value of descriptions of bloodstained items of interest in linking specific types of bloodstains to the obtained DNA profiles. Observed descriptions of bloodstained items in DNA reports are usually limited to phrases. A major problem exists in cases where several people were injured in the same bloodshed event. Connecting specific types of bloodstains to obtained DNA profiles is essential for the reconstruction of crime events. The complete analysis should therefore include detailed descriptions of all types of observed and sampled bloodstains. In DNA laboratories that are within a larger institute, it would be more appropriate and productive if BPA and DNA experts examined bloodstained items cooperatively. Moderately sized laboratories have a limited number of employees. So, in those DNA laboratories, it would be more appropriate to educate DNA analysts in the basic principles of BPA.