NMπ-improved re-implementation of NM+, a software for estimating gene dispersal and mating patterns.
Igor J ChybickiPublished in: Molecular ecology resources (2017)
This study introduces the NMπ computer program designed for estimation of plant mating system and seed and pollen dispersal kernels. NMπ is a re-implementation of the NM+ program and provides new features such as support for multicore processors, explicit treatment of dioecy, the possibility of incorporating uniparentally cytoplasmic markers, the possibility of assessing assortative mating due to phenotypic similarity and inference about offspring genealogies. The probability model of parentage (the neighbourhood model) accounts for missing data and genotyping errors, which can be estimated along with regular parameters of the mating system. The program has virtually no restrictions with respect to a number of individuals, markers or phenotypic characters. A console version of NMπ can be run under a wide variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux or Mac OS. For Windows users, a graphical user interface is provided to facilitate operating the software. The program, user manual and example data are available on http://www.ukw.edu.pl/pracownicy/plik/igor_chybicki/3694/.