Apolipoprotein B48 metabolism in chylomicrons and very low-density lipoproteins and its role in triglyceride transport in normo- and hypertriglyceridemic human subjects.
E BjörnsonC J PackardM AdielsL AnderssonN MatikainenS SöderlundJ KahriA HakkarainenN LundbomJ LundbomC SihlbomA ThorsellH ZhouM-R TaskinenJan BorénPublished in: Journal of internal medicine (2020)
The intestine secretes apoB48-containing particles not only as chylomicrons but also directly into the VLDL1 and VLDL2 density ranges both in the basal state and during dietary lipid absorption. Over the day, apoB48-containing particles appear to comprise about 20-25% of circulating VLDL and, especially in those with elevated triglycerides, form part of a slowly cleared 'remnant' particle population, thereby potentially increasing CHD risk. These findings provide a metabolic understanding of the potential consequences for increased CHD risk when slowed lipolysis leads to the accumulation of remnants, especially in individuals with hypertriglyceridemia.