GTR Treatment in Furcation Grade II Periodontal Defects with the Recently Reintroduced Guidor PLA Matrix Barrier: A Case Series with Chronological Step-by-Step Illustrations.

Anton FriedmannAndreas StavropoulosHakan Bilhan
Published in: Case reports in dentistry (2020)
Molars with a furcation involvement (FI) exceeding grade 1 according to Hamp's classification are at approximately doubled risk of tooth loss. Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) is a regenerative approach in the treatment of periodontal defects and is aimed at achieving new clinical attachment formation. The aim of this case series was to assess the efficacy of a newly reintroduced polylactic acid (PLA) matrix barrier and to evaluate the feasibility of the surgical approach. 11 patients with an average age of 58.7 years were treated with GTR using a PLA matrix barrier. Patients were instructed not to brush and chew on the treated side for 4 weeks. A gentle clinical probing was performed after 6 months for the first time after surgery. The patients were included into individual maintenance program at three months' interval. The clinical improvement was expressed by reduced horizontal penetration of the probe accompanied by vast resolution of the vertical defect component. The change from grade II to grade I or complete resolution of the FI could be seen in 8 from 11 sites included. The newly reintroduced PLA matrix barrier showed promising results after a 12-month observation period with clinical attachment gain.