Masturbation is a common auto-sexual behaviour in humans but is not explicitly known in a major portion of non-human primates. We report the first masturbatory behaviour in a male Phayre's langur, Trachypithecus phayrei , observed in a semi-evergreen forest in northeastern Bangladesh. Like other Asian colobines, the multi-male-multi-female groups of the Phayre's langur suggest a multilevel social organization and a complex hierarchy among males. The lack of sexual opportunity could result in masturbation and sperm competition among males. However, sperm competition is reported to be low in such non-seasonal breeders. Hence, we suggest an adequate characterization of the socio-sexual behaviour and reproductive strategies of this globally endangered primate in order to demonstrate the causes, cost and consequences of masturbation. We also urge further scientific exploration into masturbation among primates due to its evolutionary and conservational significance.