Considering the main disadvantage of the existing gaze point estimation methods which restrict user's head movement and have potential injury on eyes, we propose a gaze point estimation method based on facial normal and binocular vision. Firstly, we calibrate stereo cameras to determine the extrinsic and intrinsic parameters of the cameras; Secondly, face is quickly detected by Viola-Jones framework and the center position of the two irises can be located based on integro-differential operators; The two nostrils and mouth are detected based on the saturation difference and their 2D coordinates can be calculated; Thirdly, the 3D coordinates of these five points are obtained by stereo matching and 3D reconstruction; After that, a plane fitting algorithm based on least squares is adopted to get the approximate facial plane, then, the normal via the midpoint of the two pupils can be figured out; Finally, the point-of-gaze can be obtained by getting the intersection point of the facial normal and the computer screen. Experimental results confirm the accuracy and robustness of the proposed method.