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[Pathogenesis of myocarditis in patients with bronchial asthma and pecilomycosis].

V M AkhunovZh M SizovaA M AkhunovaT P Lavrent'eva
Published in: Klinicheskaia meditsina (2018)
We studied the influence of activation ofpecilomycotic infection in blood on the morphofunctional state of myocardium based on the clinical and pathomorphological data. The study included 23 patients with bronchial asthma (BA) concomitant with pecilomycosis after acute viral respiratory infection; protocols of autopsies and pathological sections of the heart muscle of the patients who died from asphixy and acute cardiac insufficiency were analyzed. Histological sections showed up vascular dystonia of the microcirculation bed, arteriole spasms, wall destruction in small and medium-size vessels and the adjacent muscular tissue, stromal oedema, valvular swelling, andperiwall endocarditis. Cardiac cavities and coronary vessels contained erythrocyte-rich thrombi with ferulas of Paecilomyces at different stages of development. Clinical manifestations of destructive changes in the heart muscle developing under effect of Paecilomyces infection had the form of rhythm and conductivity disorders. The local protective inflammatory reaction of productive type had the form of intermediate and vascular-type myocarditis passing to postmyocarditic cardiosclerosis. Periodic bursts of activation ofpecilomycotic infection in blood with the accumulation of fungal phospholipase A2 and lipid metabolites produced membranotoxic effect and can play the key role in the development of atherosclerosis and hypertensive disease in patients with BA and pecilomycosis.