Abortion and fetal death in sows.
Dominiek MaesOlli PeltoniemiMateusz MalikPublished in: Reproduction in domestic animals = Zuchthygiene (2023)
Abortion in sows or the expulsion of foetuses between days 35 and 109 of gestation results in major financial losses. Abortion is the result of maternal failure due to factors interfering with either the endocrine control of pregnancy or causing endometrial damage. In addition, causes of fetal origin, due to infections with a special affinity for the fetus, can also lead to abortion. Many different non-infectious and infectious factors may be involved. Non-infectious risk factors include inappropriate ambient temperature, seasonal effects, different stress factors, and toxic substances. Microorganisms that may cause abortion can be classified as facultative pathogenic and specific pathogenic microorganisms. The first category includes mostly bacteria that are endemic in many pig farms and that are normally harmless commensals. They can cause abortion only in case of decreased immunity or other predisposing factors. Different specific pathogenic microorganisms, especially viruses and bacteria, can cause fetal death and abortion. Some may have a special affinity for the reproductive tract and the foetuses (e.g. Aujeszky's disease virus, parvovirus, Leptospira sp.), while others may cause clinical disease or fever in sows (e.g. swine influenza viruses, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae), subsequently leading to abortion. Diagnosis of fetal death and abortion is challenging due to the broad array of processes that may be involved, and the fact that the inciting cause may happen well in advance of the abortion. The diagnostic process should start with a thorough evaluation of the clinical problem and the farm. In case an infectious cause is suspected, proper samples should be collected, preferably from different sows and foetuses, for the detection of specific pathogens. Prevention of abortion mainly relies on the implementation of good management practices, hygiene and biosecurity measures, and for some pathogens also on vaccination.