[Pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome in COVID-19 infection].
P A VorobyevA P MomotL S KrasnovaA P VorobievPublished in: Terapevticheskii arkhiv (2020)
DIC syndrome with the development of thrombovasculitis is the most important pathogenetic mechanism for the development of microthrombotic and hemorrhagic disorders in organs during infection with COVID-19, leading to dysfunction of the lungs, brain and other nerve tissues, kidneys, thromboembolic complications, etc. Many symptoms of the disease may be associated with a violation of the nervous regulation of the functions of organs and systems. Prevention of thrombovasculitis is effective already at the stage of the first manifestation of the disease with the outpatient use of direct anticoagulants (oral, low molecular weight heparins). In case of more severe manifestations (complications) of the disease, additional use of freshly frozen plasma and plasmapheresis is effective.