Quality of life and comprehensive health supervision for children with Down syndrome in Thailand.
Kitiwan RojnueangnitPenrawee KhaosamleeIssarapa ChunsuwanNattariya VorravanpreechaTanayoot LertboonnumRungrote RodjanaditPak SriplienchanPublished in: Journal of community genetics (2020)
Children with Down syndrome often require several specialty doctors and multidisciplinary teams for their associated anomalies. This may impact their quality of life and creates gaps in treatment monitoring. No studies have yet been conducted in Thailand to measure their quality of life and level of comprehensive health supervision. Therefore, we aimed to study the quality of life among children with Down syndrome and determine if they receive comprehensive health supervision for their condition. In this descriptive research, data were collected from a medical record review of children with Down syndrome during a 1-year period in our Pediatric Outpatient Clinic; 50 children and 39 caregivers participated. Mean total quality of life score of the children was 67.9/100 points. The children had the highest scores (73.6 ± 12.8) in emotional functioning and the lowest (57.2 ± 25.6) in cognitive functioning. It appears that the quality of life may be lower in Down syndrome patients than in Thai children without it. Regarding health supervision, all 50 were screened for thyroid function, and 48 received cardiac evaluations. However, only 17 (34%) received "complete basic assessment" of 5 screening combinations with developmental evaluations and growth monitoring. Furthermore, none received "comprehensive" evaluations for all recommended conditions. While these findings show a need for health supervision improvement for children with Down syndrome within our hospital, they may also be indicative for most care facilities throughout Thailand.