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The Elevation of LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS Response in the Analysis of Isoquinoline Alkaloids from Some Papaveraceae and Berberidaceae Representatives.

Wirginia Kukuła-Koch
Published in: Journal of analytical methods in chemistry (2017)
Twenty-five methanol extracts obtained from various representatives of Papaveraceae and Berberidaceae botanical families (genera: Papaver, Argemone, Eschscholzia, Chelidonium, Glaucium, and Berberis) were screened for their alkaloid content in an optimized method suitable for the LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS analysis. Twelve pharmacologically important isoquinoline alkaloids from four groups, aporphines, benzylisoquinolines, protoberberines, and benzophenanthridines, present in these traditionally used plant species were quantitatively determined in each studied sample, providing their alkaloid profile. A Zorbax Stable Bond RP-18 column and a mobile phase composed of 0.1% formic acid and 0.1% formic acid in acetonitrile (v/v) were used at the flow rate of 0.2 mL/min. A profound study on the optimization of MS response to four groups of isoquinoline alkaloids (validation of capillary voltage, gas flows, nebulizer pressure, skimmer, and fragmentor voltages), repeatability of results, and stability and linearity of measurements were described, showing, among others, 3000 V of capillary voltage, 350°C of gas temperature, 12 L/min of gas flows, nebulizer pressure of 35 psig, 65 V for skimmer voltage, and 30 V for collision energy as the most advantageous operation parameters.