Intense sub-micrometre focusing of soft X-ray free-electron laser beyond 1016 W cm-2 with an ellipsoidal mirror.
Hiroto MotoyamaShigeki OwadaGota YamaguchiTakehiro KumeSatoru EgawaKensure TonoYuichi InubushiTakahisa KoyamaMakina YabashiHaruhiko OhashiHidekazu MimuraPublished in: Journal of synchrotron radiation (2019)
Intense sub-micrometre focusing of a soft X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) was achieved by using an ellipsoidal mirror with a high numerical aperture. A hybrid focusing system in combination with a Kirkpatrick-Baez mirror was applied for compensation of a small spatial acceptance of the ellipsoidal mirror. With this system, the soft X-ray FEL pulses were focused down to 480 nm × 680 nm with an extremely high intensity of 8.8×1016 W cm-2 at a photon energy of 120 eV, which yielded saturable absorption at the L-edge of Si (99.8 eV) with a drastic increase of transmittance from 8% to 48%.