The prevalence of vertical transmission of human immunodeficiency virus and associated factors among exposed infants in Eastern Lake zone and Southern Highland of Tanzania: a cross-sectional study.
Peter Richard TorokaaLoveness UrioAmbwene MwakaloboGodfrey EriyoAlex Sifael MagesaRegnald JuliusAlice KyaloJames N AllanDavid J OsimaFocus M ShaoJoseph MzirayLeah MtuiTheopista P MbagoMasanja RobertMukome A NyamhagattaMichael MsangiMaro ChachaHasra CharlesGrace Denis MtuiMtebe MajigoAgricola JoachimPublished in: HIV research & clinical practice (2024)
We found a low prevalence of vertical transmission of HIV compared to previous studies done in Tanzania. The use of ART prophylaxis for infants exposed to HIV is significantly associated with the low rate of HIV transmission.