[Cognitive impairment and tactics of using the drug Cerebrolysin. Resolution of the International Council of Experts (May 12, 2023)].
O S LevinIgor VoznyukSergey Nikolaevich IllarioshkinOlga N TkachevaA N BogolepovaE E VaseninaSvetlana I GavrilovaT V DokukinaA Yu EmelinV Yu LobzinE A MhitaryanS E Khat'kovaM A YakushinS N YanishevskijPublished in: Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova (2023)
The aging of the population and the associated increase in the share of cognitive impairments in the structure of a wide range of diseases are a serious challenge for modern healthcare. Difficulties in the treatment of cognitive disorders are determined by many factors, including the age of patients, comorbidity, forced polypragmasia and the adequacy of the dosage of drugs that restore cognitive activity. The experts discussed information about the therapeutic potential of the drug Cerebrolysin in the treatment of cognitive disorders of various origins, stated significant experience of its effective and safe use in many clinical studies in mild and moderate forms of dementia. At the same time, there was a lack of consistent and systematic data on the dosage regimen, frequency, and duration of use of the drug in different forms of cognitive impairment and the degree of their severity. The aim of the international council of experts was to determine the optimal dosage regimens of the drug Cerebrolysin in patients with various etiologies and severity of cognitive impairment. The result of the work was the approval of a unified scheme for the use of the drug Cerebrolysin, considering the severity of the disease and its duration.