Mathematical Modeling Investigation of Violence and Racism Coexistence as a Contagious Disease Dynamics in a Community.
Shewafera Wondimagegnhu TekluBirhanu Baye TerefePublished in: Computational and mathematical methods in medicine (2022)
Recently, violence, racism, and their coexistence have been very common issues in most nations in the world. In this newly social science discipline mathematical modelling approach study, we developed and examined a new violence and racism coexistence mathematical model with eight distinct classes of human population (susceptible, violence infected, negotiated, racist, violence-racism coinfected, recuperated against violence, recuperated against racism, and recuperated against the coinfection). The model takes into account the possible controlling strategies of violence-racism coinfection. All the submodels and the violence-racism coexistence model equilibrium points are calculated, and their stabilities are analyzed. The model threshold values are derived. As a result of the model qualitative analysis, the violence-racism coinfection spreads under control if the corresponding basic reproduction number is less than unity, and it propagates through the community if this number exceeds unity. Moreover, the sensitivity analysis of the parameter values of the full model is illustrated. We have applied MATLAB ode45 solver to illustrate the numerical results of the model. Finally, from qualitative analysis and numerical solutions, we obtain relevant and consistent results.