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Atlas Florae Europaeae notes, 35. Further critical notes on Cytisussect.Tubocytisus (Fabaceae) in Europe.

Alexander N SennikovValery N Tikhomirov
Published in: PhytoKeys (2024)
A few species names in Cytisussect.Tubocytisus are re-assessed and taxonomically evaluated. Diagnostic characters are discussed and the species status of C.absinthioides Janka, C.eriocarpus Boiss., C.frivaldszkyanus Degen, C.jankae Velen. and C.smyrnaeus Boiss. is confirmed. The holotype of Cytisustriflorus Lam. was found to belong to C.hirsutus L. rather than to the C.ratisbonensis group as currently treated. Cytisuslasiosemius Boiss. is not the correct name for C.frivaldszkyanus Degen, but another synonym of C.hirsutus . Cytisuslitwinowii V.I.Krecz., which was known solely from the holotype, is a synonym of C.austriacus L. s.str. Chamaecytisuspseudojankae Pifkó & Barina, reported from a small area shared between Albania, Greece and North Macedonia, is treated as a subalpine variant of C.austriacus . Cytisustmoleus Boiss. is removed from the synonymy of C.eriocarpus and added to the synonymy of C.pygmaeus Willd. Cytisusfalcatussubsp.albanicus Degen & Dörfl. and C.pubescens Gilib. are synonymised with C.hirsutus . Cytisusmicrophyllus Boiss. is moved from C.austriacus s.l. to the synonymy of C.frivaldszkyanus , and C.pindicola (Degen) Halácsy to the synonymy of C.jankae . Chamaecytisuscalcareus (Velen.) Kuzmanov is accepted as Cytisuscalcareus (Velen.) Sennikov & Val.N.Tikhom., comb. nov. , and its distribution is circumscribed. Cytisushirsutusvar.ciliatus (Wahlenb.) Hazsl. and C.polytrichusvar.subglabratus Val.N.Tikhom. & Sennikov, var. nov. are recognised as glabrous variants of the corresponding species. Lectotypes of C.ciliatus , C.hirsutissimus K.Koch, C.jankae , C.lasiosemius , C.pubescens , C.rhodopeus J.Wagner ex Bornm. and C.thirkeanus K.Koch are designated. Cytisuspolytrichus is reported from the Western Caucasus in place of C.wulffii auct.
  • genetic diversity
  • single cell
  • copy number
  • gene expression
  • newly diagnosed
  • dna methylation
  • genome wide