Developing an electronic health record measure of low-value esophagogastroduodenoscopy for GERD at a large academic health system.

Courtney A ReynoldsVishnu NairChad VillafloresKatherine DominguezJulia Cave ArbanasMadeline TreasureSamuel SkootskyChi-Hong TsengCatherine A SarkisianArpan PatelKevin GhassemiA Mark FendrickFolasade P MayJohn N Mafi
Published in: BMJ open quality (2023)
We developed a highly specific eMeasure that showed that low-value EGDs occurred frequently in our healthcare system and were concentrated in a minority of clinics. These results can inform future QI efforts at our institution, such as best practice alerts for the ordering physician. Moreover, this open-source eMeasure has a much broader potential impact, as it can be integrated into any EHR and improve medical decision-making at the point of care.