Besides the canonical Watson-Crick (WC) linked antiparallel-stranded duplex (aps-DNA), DNA is also able to form bioactive parallel-stranded duplex (ps-DNA) with the two involving strands adopting the equal 5'-3' polarity. Discriminating ps-DNA from aps-DNA with an ideal selectivity is more challenging because of their comparable duplex topologies. Herein, we designed a unique probe of HPIN to fluorescently recognize ps-DNA but to keep an almost nonfluorescent response in binding with aps-DNA. The success of the Hoogsteen hydrogen bonding pattern in lighting up the HPIN fluorescence over the reverse Watson-Crick (rWC) one suggests the critical role of HPIN in structurally adaptive recognition to the strand polarity-determined base-pairing peculiarity. The turn-on fluorescence should result from restriction of the HPIN cis/trans isomerization upon the adaptive Hoogsteen base pair binding. Such high performance in recognizing ps-DNA against aps-DNA demonstrates the promising applications of HPIN in developing unique DNA polarity-based sensors.