Is there a role for laser speckle contrast analysis (LASCA) in predicting the outcome of digital ulcers in patients with systemic sclerosis?
Simone BarsottiAnna d'AscanioVenturini ValentinaStagnaro ChiaraBilia SilviaAmanzi LauraMarta MoscaAlessandra Della RossaPublished in: Clinical rheumatology (2019)
This study demonstrates for the first time that the UA/FB ratio may predict the healing time of DUs in SSc patients and may be crucial for the prognostic stratification of patients. Infection remains one of the main predictors of DU healing.Key Points• The prognostic value of laser speckle contrast analysis (LASCA) in patients with digital ulcers (DUs) in systemic sclerosis remains to be clarified.• LASCA may be able to predict the haling time of the digital ulcers.• The presence of infection of the wound bed may greatly influence the LASCA parameters and the healing time of the digital ulcer.