The precious fluorine on the ring: fluorine NMR for biological systems.
Andras BoeszoermenyiBarbara OgórekAkshay JainHaribabu ArthanariGerhard WagnerPublished in: Journal of biomolecular NMR (2020)
The fluorine-19 nucleus was recognized early to harbor exceptional properties for NMR spectroscopy. With 100% natural abundance, a high gyromagnetic ratio (83% sensitivity compared to 1H), a chemical shift that is extremely sensitive to its surroundings and near total absence in biological systems, it was destined to become a favored NMR probe, decorating small and large molecules. However, after early excitement, where uptake of fluorinated aromatic amino acids was explored in a series of animal studies, 19F-NMR lost popularity, especially in large molecular weight systems, due to chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) induced line broadening at high magnetic fields. Recently, two orthogonal approaches, (i) CF3 labeling and (ii) aromatic 19F-13C labeling leveraging the TROSY (Transverse Relaxation Optimized Spectroscopy) effect have been successfully applied to study large biomolecular systems. In this perspective, we will discuss the fascinating early work with fluorinated aromatic amino acids, which reveals the enormous potential of these non-natural amino acids in biological NMR and the potential of 19F-NMR to characterize protein and nucleic acid structure, function and dynamics in the light of recent developments. Finally, we explore how fluorine NMR might be exploited to implement small molecule or fragment screens that resemble physiological conditions and discuss the opportunity to follow the fate of small molecules in living cells.