Trauma-informed interactions within a trauma-informed homeless service provider: Staff and client perspectives.
Amanda R BarryErin HoffmanElizabeth Martinez-CharlestonMilena DeMarioJustine StewartMadeeha MohiuddinMartina MihelicovaMolly BrownPublished in: Journal of community psychology (2023)
This study aims to provide practical insights for developing trauma-informed interaction strategies between service providers and participants in homeless service organizations (HSOs). Twelve providers and 17 participants were interviewed for a qualitative study on trauma-informed care (TIC) within an HSO. Thematic analysis revealed six themes regarding provider approaches to TIC interactions with participants: provide a sounding board, promote safety, foster understanding and respect, build relationships and trust, facilitate connection to services, and ensure flexibility in service provision. Participants noted three themes regarding their views of TIC interactions with providers: possess education and experience, build relationships and trust, and demonstrate supportive interpersonal styles. This study describes the application of TIC within an HSO, emphasizing the importance of supportive, positive interactions that promote understanding, respect, and trust. It highlights key factors in service provision. The findings expand our understanding of TIC implementation in HSOs and suggest areas for improvement.