Wide Acoustic Bandgap Solid Disk-Shaped Phononic Crystal Anchoring Boundaries for Enhancing Quality Factor in AlN-on-Si MEMS Resonators.
Muhammad Wajih Ullah SiddiqiJoshua En-Yuan LeePublished in: Micromachines (2018)
This paper demonstrates the four fold enhancement in quality factor (Q) of a very high frequency (VHF) band piezoelectric Aluminum Nitride (AlN) on Silicon (Si) Lamb mode resonator by applying a unique wide acoustic bandgap (ABG) phononic crystal (PnC) at the anchoring boundaries of the resonator. The PnC unit cell topology, based on a solid disk, is characterized by a wide ABG of 120 MHz around a center frequency of 144.7 MHz from the experiments. The resulting wide ABG described in this work allows for greater enhancement in Q compared to previously reported PnC cell topologies characterized by narrower ABGs. The effect of geometrical variations to the proposed PnC cells on their corresponding ABGs are described through simulations and validated by transmission measurements of fabricated delay lines that incorporate these solid disk PnCs. Experiments demonstrate that widening the ABG associated with the PnC described herein provides for higher Q.