Pseudaminobacter manganicus JH-7T (= KCTC 52258T = CCTCC AB 2016107T) is a Gram-staining-negative, aerobic and non-motile strain that was isolated from a manganese mine. The strain JH-7T shows multiple heavy metal resistance and can effectively remove Mn2+ and Cd2+. In addition, it is able to produce exopolysaccharides (EPS), which may contribute to metal remove/adsorption. Thus, strain JH-7T shows a great potential in bioremediation of heavy metal-contaminated environment. In this study, we report the draft genomic sequence of P. manganicus JH-7T and compare it to related genomes. Strain JH-7T has a 4,842,937 bp genome size with a G + C content of 61.2%, containing 4504 protein-coding genes and 71 RNA genes. A large number of putative genes associated with heavy metal resistance and EPS synthesis are found in the genome.