Communicating radiation risk: the role of public engagement in reaching ALARA.
Peter A BryantPublished in: Journal of radiological protection : official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection (2021)
The ALARA (an acronym for 'as low as reasonably achievable') principle, keeping the likelihood of incurring exposure, the number of people exposed and the magnitude of their individual doses 'as low as reasonably achievable, taking into account economic and societal factors', is at the core of radiation protection. For many decades the principle has been an area of continuous development, with recent work highlighting the importance of engaging not only with the decision-makers in the ALARA process but all stakeholders who may incur an exposure. This paper considers a particular case study in which the dredging of non-hazardous sediment in the United Kingdom near a now decommissioned nuclear power station raised substantial public concern about radiological exposure. This turned what was a straightforward construction activity into a complex public engagement and reassurance task, at a significant cost disproportionate to the level of radiological risk. This paper highlights the key lessons learnt from the case study, including not only the importance of engaging the public as part of the ALARA process but also of considering the societal impact arising from stress and concerns if misinformation is allowed to promulgate. A discussion is included on the need to underpin any engagement with a clear plan, including pre-engagement, implementation and reinforcement of messages. In addition, the role of the radiation protection professional is considered in ensuring that all stakeholders are informed, so that ultimately they can come to their own decision on what is safe.