Supramolecular Organization of Polymer Prodrug Nanoparticles Revealed by Coarse-Grained Simulations.
Ping GaoJulien NicolasTâp Ha-DuongPublished in: Journal of the American Chemical Society (2021)
Drug-polymer conjugates that can self-assemble into nanoparticles are promising drug delivery systems that improve the drug bioavailability and allow their controlled release. However, despite the possibility of reaching high drug loadings, the efficiency of the drug release, mediated by cleavage of the drug-polymer linker, is a key parameter to obtain significant anticancer activity. To overcome the limitations of experimental characterizations and to gain a better understanding of such systems, we conducted a coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation study on four representative drug-polymer conjugates obtained by the "drug-initiated" method and studied their supramolecular organization upon self-assembly. The prodrugs were composed of either a gemcitabine or a paclitaxel anticancer drug, either a propanoate or a diglycolate linker, and a polyisoprene chain. Our simulations gave crucial information concerning the spatial organization of the different components (e.g., drug, linker, polymer, etc.) into the nanoparticles and revealed that the linkers are not fully accessible to the solvent. Notably, some cleavage sites were either poorly hydrated or partially solvated. These observations might account for the low efficiency of drug release from the nanoparticles, particularly when the linker is too short and/or not hydrophilic/solvated enough. We believe that our theoretical study could be adapted to other types of polymer prodrugs and could guide the design of new polymer prodrug nanoparticles with improved drug release efficiency.