Bite-on-bite biopsies for the detection of residual esophageal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy.

Ruben D van der BogtBerend J van der WilkLindsey OudijkErik J SchoonGesina van LijnschotenSietske CorporaalJudith NiekenPeter D SiersemaTanya M BisselingRachel S van der PostRutger QuispelArjan van TilburgLiekele E OostenbrugRobert G RiedlLieke HolMike KliffenSuzan NikkessenBen M EyckJ Jan B van LanschotMichael DoukasManon C W Spaander
Published in: Endoscopy (2022)
A second (bite-on-bite) biopsy improves the detection of residual esophageal cancer by almost 20 percentage points, at the expense of increasing the false-positive rate by 3 percentage points. The higher detection rate is explained by the higher number of biopsies obtained rather than by the penetration depth.