The analysis of the presence and content of substances that are toxic to aquatic life in waste is essential for classification of waste with regard to hazard property (HP) 14 'ecotoxic'. For the determination of HP14 classified copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) compounds in various municipal solid waste incineration bottom ashes (IBA) and one fly ash (FA) from Germany we applied X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy in combination with linear combination fitting. The analysis showed that approx. 50-70% of Cu in the IBA are Cu(I) compounds and elemental Cu(0), but these compounds were not equally distributed in the different IBA. In contrast, the majority (approx. 50-70%) of Zn in all IBA is elemental zinc, which originates from brass or other alloys and galvanized metals with a large content of zinc in the waste. The FA contain higher mass fraction on Zn and other toxic elements, but similar Cu and Zn species. Additional performed selective extraction at a pH of 4 with an organic acid of some IBA showed that the ecotoxic Zn fraction is mainly elemental zinc and zinc oxide. In contrast, for the ecotoxic Cu fraction within the IBA no specific compound could be identified. Furthermore, the XANES analysis showed that the HP14 properties of especially Cu in IBA is overestimated with current best-practice guidelines for sample processing for the current substance-related approach with the 0.1% cut-off rule for each substance. However, it should be considered whether it would not be better from an environmental point of view to take the ecotoxicologically leachable copper and zinc as a reference value.