Net energy of oat bran, wheat bran, and palm kernel expellers fed to growing pigs using indirect calorimetry.
Chengfei HuangBingbing HuangZhongchao LiZhenyu WangYifan ChenShuai ZhangChanghua LaiPublished in: Animal science journal = Nihon chikusan Gakkaiho (2018)
The objectives of this experiment were to (a) determine the effects of fiber increase in diets on heat production (HP), (b) determine the net energy (NE) of oat bran (OB), wheat bran (WB), and palm kernel expellers (PKE) fed to growing pigs using indirect calorimetry (IC). Twenty-four growing barrows (29.2 ± 2.6 kg) were randomly allotted to one of four diets with six replicate pigs per diet. Diets included a corn-soybean meal basal diet and three test diets containing 30% OB, WB or PKE, respectively. During each period, pigs were individually housed in metabolism crates for 20 days, including 14 days to adapt to the diets. On day (d) 15, pigs were transferred to the open-circuit respiration chambers for determination of daily total HP and were fed one of the four diets at 2.3MJ ME/kg body weight (BW)0.6 /day. Total feces and urine were collected for the determination of digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME) and daily total HP was measured from d 15 to d 19 and fasted on day 20 for the measurement of fasting heat production (FHP). The apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of dry matter (DM), gross energy (GE), and organic matter (OM) were greater (p < 0.01) in pigs fed the basal diet compared with those fed the test diets. The ATTD of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) was lower (p < 0.01) in pigs fed the WB diet compared with those fed the basal, OB, or PKE diets. The ATTD of ether extract (EE) in pigs fed the PKE diet was greater (p < 0.01) compared with those fed the other diets. The average total HP and FHP in pigs fed the four diets were 1261 and 787 kJ/kg BW0.6 /d, respectively, and were not significantly affected by diet characteristics. The NE:ME ratio for diets ranged from 78.1 to 80.9%. The NE contents of OB, WB, and PKE were 10.93, 7.47, and 8.71 MJ/kg DM, respectively.