Extended minimally invasive autopsy: Technical improvements for the investigation of cardiopulmonary events in COVID-19.

Jair Theodoro FilhoRenata Aparecida de Almeida MonteiroAmaro Nunes DuarteThais MauadLuiz Fernando Ferraz da SilvaPaulo Hilário do Nascimento SaldivaMarisa Dolhnikoff
Published in: Clinics (Sao Paulo, Brazil) (2021)
Minimally invasive image-guided post-mortem tissue sampling is a flexible and practical method to conduct post-mortem studies of human diseases, mainly in areas that do not have autopsy facilities or, alternatively, when autopsy is not possible owing to financial constraints, cultural and religious values, or for safety reasons, such as in the case of highly contagious infectious diseases. We present evidence that EMIA-US is feasible and can be used as an alternative to increase the accuracy of MIA-US in detecting cardiopulmonary events involving large vessels, which may not be assessed through post-mortem biopsies.