Evaluation of fouling mechanisms in nanofiltration as a polishing step of yeast MBR-treated landfill leachate.
N C M SilvaWagner Guadagnin MoraviaMíriam Cristina Santos AmaralK C S FigueiredoPublished in: Environmental technology (2018)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the nanofiltration process as a polishing step of a membrane bioreactor inoculated with commercial baker yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) used to treat sanitary landfill leachate. The contaminants retention and influence of concentration polarization and fouling phenomena on the permeate flux decline (FD) at different operating pressures were analysed. The greatest total flux reductions of 63.57% and 70.83% were observed for the lowest and the highest pressures, respectively, being this reduction attributed mainly to the concentration polarization. Membrane itself and concentration polarization phenomena were the main resistances to the nanofiltration process. Hermia model adjustment to the experimental data revealed that cake formation was the main mechanism that explained the FD at pressures of 8, 10 and 12 bar. At recovery rates above 40%, there was a significant decrease in permeate quality, so this value was chosen as the viable value for the proposed system. Integrated MBR-nanofiltration system led to the high removal of pollutants and made the treated effluent feasible for reuse in the landfill itself.