Automated Platform for the Plasmid Construction Process.

Alberto A NavaAnna Lisa FearNamil LeePeter MellingerGuangxu LanJoshua McCauleyStephen TanNurgul KaplanGarima GoyalR Cameron CoatesJacob RobertsZahmiria JohnsonRomina HuBryan WuJared AhnWoojoo E KimYao WanKevin YinNathan J HillsonRobert W HaushalterJay D Keasling
Published in: ACS synthetic biology (2023)
There is a growing need for applications capable of handling large synthesis biology experiments. At the core of synthetic biology is the process of cloning and manipulating DNA as plasmids. Here, we report the development of an application named DNAda capable of writing automation instructions for any given DNA construct design generated by the J5 DNA assembly program. We also describe the automation pipeline and several useful features. The pipeline is particularly useful for the construction of combinatorial DNA assemblies. Furthermore, we demonstrate the platform by constructing a library of polyketide synthase parts, which includes 120 plasmids ranging in size from 7 to 14 kb from 4 to 7 DNA fragments.