Isochoric (constant-volume or volumetrically confined) vitrification has shown potential as an alternative cryopreservation-by-vitrification technique, but the complex processes at play within the chamber are yet poorly characterized, and recent investigations have prompted significant debate around whether a truly isochoric vitrification process (in which the liquid remains completely confined by solid boundaries) is indeed feasible. Based on a recent thermomechanical simulation of a high-concentration Me 2 SO solution, Solanki and Rabin (Cryobiology, 2023, 111, 9-15.) argue that isochoric vitrification is not feasible, because differential thermal contraction of the solution and container will necessarily drive generation of a cavity, corrupting the rigid confinement of the liquid. Here, we provide direct experimental evidence to the contrary, demonstrating cavity-free isochoric vitrification of a ∼3.5 M vitrification solution by combined isochoric pressure measurement (IPM) and photon-counting x-ray computed tomography (PC-CT). We hypothesize that the absence of a cavity is due to the minimal thermal contraction of the solution, which we support with additional volumetric analysis of the PC-CT reconstructions. In total, this study provides experimental evidence both demonstrating the feasibility of isochoric vitrification and highlighting the potential of designing vitrification solutions that exhibit minimal thermal contraction.