Binocular Rivalry Impact on Macroblock-Loss Error Concealment for Stereoscopic 3D Video Transmission.

Md Mehedi HasanMd Azam HossainNaif AlotaibiJohn F ArnoldA K M Azad
Published in: Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (2023)
Three-dimensional video services delivered through wireless communication channels have to deal with numerous challenges due to the limitations of both the transmission channel's bandwidth and receiving devices. Adverse channel conditions, delays, or jitters can result in bit errors and packet losses, which can alter the appearance of stereoscopic 3D (S3D) video. Due to the perception of dissimilar patterns by the two human eyes, they can not be fused into a stable composite pattern in the brain and hence try to dominate by suppressing each other. Thus, a psychovisual sensation that is called binocular rivalry occurs. As a result, undetectable changes causing irritating flickering effects are seen, leading to visual discomforts such as eye strain, headache, nausea, and weariness. This study addresses the observer's quality of experience (QoE) by analyzing the binocular rivalry impact on the macroblock (MB) losses in a frame and its error propagation due to predictive frame encoding in stereoscopic video transmission systems. To simulate the processing of experimental videos, the Joint Test Model (JM) reference software has been used as it is recommended by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Existing error concealing techniques were then applied to the contiguous lost MBs for a variety of transmission impairments. In order to validate the authenticity of the simulated packet loss environment, several objective evaluations were carried out. Standard numbers of subjects were then engaged in the subjective testing of common 3D video sequences. The results were then statistically examined using a standard Student's t-test, allowing the impact of binocular rivalry to be compared to that of a non-rivalry error condition. The major goal is to assure error-free video communication by minimizing the negative impacts of binocular rivalry and boosting the ability to efficiently integrate 3D video material to improve viewers' overall QoE.