Detection of Cryptic Fragile X Full Mutation Alleles by Southern Blot in a Female and Her Foetal DNA via Chorionic Villus Sampling, Complicated by Mosaicism for 45,X0/46,XX/47,XXX.
Alison PandelacheDavid FrancisRalph OertelRebecca DicksonRani SachdevLing LingDinusha GamageDavid E GodlerPublished in: Genes (2021)
We describe a female with a 72 CGG FMR1 premutation (PM) (CGG 55-199) and family history of fragile X syndrome (FXS), referred for prenatal testing. The proband had a high risk of having an affected pregnancy with a full mutation allele (FM) (CGG > 200), that causes FXS through hypermethylation of the FMR1 promoter. The CGG sizing analysis in this study used AmplideX triplet repeat primed polymerase chain reaction (TP-PCR) and long-range methylation sensitive PCR (mPCR). These methods detected a 73 CGG PM allele in the proband's blood, and a 164 CGG PM allele in her male cultured chorionic villus sample (CVS). In contrast, the Southern blot analysis showed mosaicism for: (i) a PM (71 CGG) and an FM (285-768 CGG) in the proband's blood, and (ii) a PM (165 CGG) and an FM (408-625 CGG) in the male CVS. The FMR1 methylation analysis, using an EpiTYPER system in the proband, showed levels in the range observed for mosaic Turner syndrome. This was confirmed by molecular and cytogenetic karyotyping, identifying 45,X0/46,XX/47,XXX lines. In conclusion, this case highlights the importance of Southern blot in pre- and postnatal testing for presence of an FM, which was not detected using AmplideX TP-PCR or mPCR in the proband and her CVS.