Comparing verbal and aided single sentence productions in Malayalam-speaking adults with aphasia: a preliminary investigation.
Vineetha Sara PhilipS P GoswamiPublished in: Clinical linguistics & phonetics (2020)
The primary aim of the study was to investigate the semantic and syntactic aspects of verbal and aided single sentence productions in adults with aphasia and neurotypical adults to determine which mode allowed the exchange of information more effectively. The participants of this study included 20 adults with aphasia and 20 neurotypical adults who were native speakers of Malayalam, an Indo-Dravidian language spoken in the south-western state of Kerala in India. Thirteen action picture stimuli were constructed to elicit single sentences. The participants were expected to describe the action picture in a single sentence using spoken language as well as using Picture Communication Symbols (PCS). The semantic aspect of each sentence produced was analysed using Correct Information Unit (CIU) analyses, and the syntactic aspects were measured using (i) percentage of grammatically complete sentences, (ii) percentage of the correct number of verbs, and (iii) total number of syntactic errors. A sentence production accuracy scale was constructed to obtain a combined score for semantic and syntactic aspects of each sentence produced. The results suggested that while both verbal and aided modes were effectively used for the exchange of information by neurotypical adults and adults with anomic aphasia, the aided mode was used more effectively by adults with Broca's aphasia. To conclude, the study highlights the importance of (a) using visual symbols even for those with mild aphasia as it tends to improve phonological and articulatory abilities, (b) use of symbols to construct simple sentences to communicate in adults with severe aphasia, (c) evaluation of the ability to use alternate modes of communication and also the preferred mode of communication in adults with aphasia.