Response of carbon fixation, allocation, and growth to source-sink manipulation by defoliation in vegetative citrus trees.
Sheng-Yang LiSyed Bilal HussainChristopher I VincentPublished in: Physiologia plantarum (2024)
Source-sink balance in plants determines carbon distribution, and altering it can impact carbon fixation, transport, and allocation. We aimed to investigate the effect of altered source-sink ratios on carbon fixation, transport, and distribution in 'Valencia' sweet orange (Citrus x sinensis) by various defoliation treatments (0%, 33%, 66%, and 83% leaf removal). Gas exchange parameters were measured on 0 and 10 days after defoliation using A/C i response curves, and leaf export was measured two days after defoliation using radioisotope tracer techniques. Greater defoliation increased the maximum rate of carboxylation (V cmax ), electron transport rate (J 1200 ), and triose-phosphate utilization rate (TPU). Leaf export was unaffected by defoliation but increased in leaves closer to the shoot apex. Basipetal translocation velocity in the trunk remained unaltered, indicating that more photosynthates remained in the shoot rather than being transported directly to the root sink. Defoliated plants initiated more new flush shoots but accumulated less shoot biomass per plant after 8 weeks. Carbon allocation to fine roots was smaller in defoliated plants, suggesting defoliation led to retention of carbohydrates in aboveground organs such as the trunk and other shoots from previous growing cycles. In conclusion, the low source-sink ratio increased carbon fixation without impacting individual leaf export in citrus. The results suggest that intermediate sinks such as the aboveground perennial organs play a role in mediating the translocation velocity. Further research is necessary to better understand the dynamics of source-sink regulation in citrus trees.