Ventilation and gas exchange before and after voluntary static surface breath-holds in clinically healthy bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus.
Andreas FahlmanMicah BrodskyStefan MiedlerSophie DennisonMarina IvančićGregg LevineJulie Rocho-LevineMercy ManleyJoan RocabertAlicia Borque-EspinosaPublished in: The Journal of experimental biology (2019)
We measured respiratory flow (V̇), breathing frequency (f R), tidal volume (V T), breath duration and end-expired O2 content in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) before and after static surface breath-holds ranging from 34 to 292 s. There was considerable variation in the end-expired O2, V T and f R following a breath-hold. The analysis suggests that the dolphins attempt to minimize recovery following a dive by altering V T and f R to rapidly replenish the O2 stores. For the first breath following a surface breath-hold, the end-expired O2 decreased with dive duration, while V T and f R increased. Throughout the recovery period, end-expired O2 increased while the respiratory effort (V T, f R) decreased. We propose that the dolphins alter respiratory effort following a breath-hold according to the reduction in end-expired O2 levels, allowing almost complete recovery after 1.2 min.