Biochemical response of Sonneratia alba Sm. branches infested by a wood boring moth (Gazi Bay, Kenya).
Elisha Mrabu JenohMohamed TraoréCharles KosoreNico KoedamPublished in: PloS one (2021)
Infestation by a moth woodborer species is causing mortality of Sonneratia alba Sm. mangrove by tunneling through the inner bark, cambium and conductive tissue. Infestation leads to death of some infested branches, whereas in other cases infested branches have been observed to recover from infestation. We have used Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to investigate the differences in macromolecule (polysaccharide and lignin) content present in branches that died (D) of the infestation, those that recovered (R) from the infestation and control branches (C) that were not subject to any infestation. Wood samples were taken from four sampling plots (A, B, C and D) in Gazi Bay (Kenya). From each of the four plots, 15 S. alba branches were taken from five trees, from which 1 cm thick discs were cut from each of these branches to be used as samples. To identify the most characteristic FTIR bands for the three groups of samples, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied on the transposed data matrix. Furthermore, canonical discriminant analysis was applied on the data considering the main FTIR band that would be identified through the PCA factors. Finally, One-way ANOVA and post hoc test were used to verify the significance of the observed trends. Branches that recovered from infestation had higher relative abundance of lignified cells. We conclude that insect-infested S. alba undergo changes related to the lignocellulosic contents. The infestation induces a decrease of the proportion of the polysaccharide content and an increase of the proportion of the lignin contents.