Elucidating the nature of linguistic processing in insight.
Ze ZhangKazuhisa NikiJing LuoPublished in: PsyCh journal (2021)
The relationship between language and thinking has long been a matter of debate and a research focus in studies on thinking and problem solving, including creativity. Previous behavioral studies have found that verbalization of one's internal thoughts does not participate in or even interfere with the creative insight process, thus suggesting that insight may take place nonverbally. In contrast to this hypothesis, the present study proposes a new one. That is, given that the basic categories or fundamental functions of key concepts or objects are critically changed or expanded during insightful thinking, the linguistic processing accompanying insight can be reflected as category-related representation and recategorization processes, which can be critically mediated by the posterior middle temporal gyrus and the angular gyrus (pMTG/AG). Using constraint-relaxation insight riddles as materials in a guided-insight experimental design with external hints to trigger the insightful representational change, this preliminary neuroimaging study of 11 participants found the involvement of pMTG/AG during moments of induced insight, but did not find the activation of left ventral frontal areas which are typically involved in verbalizing of one's internal thoughts. Although this observation still cannot exclude the possibility of internal verbalization in insightful restructuring, it implies that linguistic processing in insight may take the more fundamental form of category-related processing.