A change of orbital state alters the coupling between ions and their surroundings drastically. Orbital excitations are hence key to understand and control interaction of ions. Rare-earth elements with strong magneto-crystalline anisotropy (MCA) are important ingredients for magnetic devices. Thus, control of their localized 4 f magnetic moments and anisotropy is one major challenge in ultrafast spin physics. With time-resolved x-ray absorption and resonant inelastic scattering experiments, we show for Tb metal that 4 f -electronic excitations out of the ground-state multiplet occur after optical pumping. These excitations are driven by inelastic 5 d -4 f -electron scattering, altering the 4 f -orbital state and consequently the MCA with important implications for magnetization dynamics in 4 f -metals and more general for the excitation of localized electronic states in correlated materials.