Prolongation of QTc interval due to increased parity and great grand multiparity.
Mehmet OzgeyikOzge Turgay YildirimPublished in: Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology : the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2022)
Women are more prone to cardiac arrhythmias. Increased exposure to sex hormones may alter the ventricular repolarisation of the heart as the parity number increases. In this study, we aim to investigate the effect of parity number to electrocardiographic parameters. A total of 205 adult women were included for the study. Nulliparous (NP), primiparous (PP), multiparous (MP), grand multiparous (GMP) and great grand multiparous (GGMP) women constituted the study population. Increased parity has positive correlation with QTc interval ( p =.000, r = 0.303). GGMP has significantly higher QTc compared to NP, PP, MP and GMP ( p =.001, p =.000, p =.004 and p =.007, respectively). GGMP and parity have explanatory power on QTc ( p =.019 and p =.020, respectively). Parity and GGMP affect cardiac repolarisation and prolong the QTc interval most probably due to repeated exposure to sex hormones. This study showed that GGMP and parity are independent risk factors for QTc interval prolongation.Impact Statement What is already known on this subject? Increased exposure to sex hormones may alter the ventricular repolarisation of the heart as the parity number increases. Previous studies showed that increased parity (up to 7) deteriorates ventricular diastolic functions, prolongs QTc interval and these conditions cause cardiovascular diseases. What do the results of this study add? In this study, we added great grand multiparity (10 or more parity) (GGMP) group that have never been studied before. We found that GGMP has much more impact on QTc prolongation than fewer parity groups and this result shows us that GGMP deteriorates ventricular functions more. What are the implications of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? These results show us that women should be discouraged from having more delivery. Also, women with a pregnancy history of five and more (grand multiparity) should be evaluated with an electrocardiography and a cardiology consultation should be performed before re-conception. In the future, larger prospective studies are needed on this subject. In addition, other electrocardiographic parameters (QRS-T angle and Tpe/QTc in electrocardiography, etc.) that related with diastolic functions should be evaluated for comparison of GGMP and non-GGMP populations in future studies.