Global exponential stability of Markovian jumping stochastic impulsive uncertain BAM neural networks with leakage, mixed time delays, and α-inverse Hölder activation functions.
C MaharajanR RajaJinde CaoG RaviG RajchakitPublished in: Advances in difference equations (2018)
This paper concerns the problem of enhanced results on robust finite time passivity for uncertain discrete time Markovian jumping BAM delayed neural networks with leakage delay. By implementing a proper Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional candidate, reciprocally convex combination method, and linear matrix inequality technique, we derive several sufficient conditions for varying the passivity of discrete time BAM neural networks. Further, some sufficient conditions for finite time boundedness and passivity for uncertainties are proposed by employing zero inequalities. Finally, the enhancement of the feasible region of the proposed criteria is shown via numerical examples with simulation to illustrate the applicability and usefulness of the proposed method.