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A qualitative study on the caregiver burden experience in home reflux enema management of infants with congenital megacolon.

Yuanyuan FangYulan KangLingjing TengLifang LinPingping Qiu
Published in: International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being (2023)
This study employed qualitative interviews with the caregivers of 12 children with congenital Hirschsprung's disease undergoing home reflux enema, and the feelings of caregivers of children with reflux enema at home after discharge were deeply understood. It is recommended to implement positive psychological interventions based on the PERMA model and incorporate "Internet + collaborative nursing" to provide caregivers with professional knowledge, address their pressures and needs, and promote their well-being while enhancing nursing abilities.
  • healthcare
  • palliative care
  • quality improvement
  • young adults
  • mental health
  • physical activity
  • systematic review
  • health information
  • depressive symptoms